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Damir Bartol Indoš (HR): One or More Schachtophones
interactive audio-visual installation & performance
Opening: Saturday, October 15, 2016 at 8.00 p.m. with the performance E.P.Z.
The exhibition is open October 16-17, 2016 from 5.00 to 8.00 p.m. @ large hall of Pogon Jedinstvo, Trnjanski nasip bb, Zagreb
Free entrance
The installation is the basis for two works by D.B. Indoš: the performance E.P.Z. and the reflectophon installation/performance 9,81 m of Accelerationism.
The performance E.P.Z. relies on the poetry of William S. Burroughs and an african horror story. By investigating the word “virus” in its auditive qualities and meaning, the narrative of the performance is based on the Ebola Zero Patient of the West African Ebola epidemy – a boy who is believed to have caught the virus by playing an instrument made out of wood in which infected bats were living in, and thus triggering the epidemy. The second work 9,81 m of Accelerationism is based on an artistic fusion of texts #Accelerate: Manifesto for an Accelerationist Politics by N. Srnicek and A. Williams, #Celerity: A Critique of the Manifesto for an Accelerationist Politics and On Acceleration by Vlado Kristl. It practices the thesis saying that “The spiral snakes are much more complex than the trenches of moles”: Schachtophonist mole in the interior of the construction and Schachtophonist snake in the exterior perform the textual fragments recorded and spoken in reflectophones, in 3 x 4 vocal and instrumental units in 9,81 minutes of duration. Mechanical bodies of arms enter the space of mechanical bodies of springs, they cross and stretch the springs, forearms, upper arms, hands, fists and fingers in the maximum vicinity to the spirals in search for a pinch of phony. The springs make the arms vibrate, sonify their molecules, producing phony with arms-springs.
E.P.Z. is performed by Damir Bartol Indoš, Tanja Vrvilo and Helge Hinteregger. 9,81 m of Accelerationism is performed by Damir Bartol Indoš and Tanja Vrvilo.
Damir Bartol Indoš, performer and theatre artist, he creates experimental music instruments, sound sculptures called Schachtophones and graphic partitures. As initiator of the Kugla Group during the 1980s he did a number of performances (Gigan Affair, Unmuffled Vibrations, Sixth Allelomorph, etc.). As DB Indoš House of Extreme Music Theater, from the 1990s, he created a series of projects and world tours with a variety of foreign and domestic artists and musicians. Since 2005, in coproduction with the SC Culture of Change, the &TD Theatre and in creative collaboration with Tanja Vrvilo he has produced performances Chinese Roulette, The Enchantment, Green Green, Book of the Dead (joint direction with Zlatko Burić), Anti-Oedipus and others. He has taken part in various international festivals at home and abroad such as Fringe Festival (Edinburgh), Klangarten Festival (Linz), Franklin Furnace (New York), Roskilde festival, Translacije (Piotrkow), Eurokaz (Zagreb), Extravagant Bodies: Extravagant Minds (Zagreb), CAMP – International Festival of Visual Music (Zagreb). He is a permanent collaborator of the &TD Theatre, a member of the Croatian Freelance Artists' Association and the Association of Fine Art Artists ULUPUH. He won the City of Zagreb Medal for promotion of alternative culture in 2009, and was winner of the first prize in the T-HT@MSU competition in 2012 for the sound sculpture Schachtophone. Together with Tanja Vrvilo he won the group award of the Croatian selection at the Prague Quadrennial in 2015.
organizers: Culture Development Association “URK” + Mochvara Club & KONTEJNER | bureau of contemporary art praxis, Operation City: Upgrade
media partners: H-alter, Kulturpunkt, Radio Student
supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, City of Zagreb, Kultura Nova Foundation
The programme is organised in collaboration with the platform “Operation City: Upgrade” within the programme of the conference “Open City: towards the Intercultural community center”.
MORE >City Guerilla (RS): Synapsis
interactive audio-visual installation + workshop
Exhibition opening: Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. @ large hall of Pogon Jedinstvo
Workshop: Friday, September 23, 2016 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, September 24, 2016 from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. @ small hall of Pogon Jedinstvo
The exhibition is open September 23-24, 2016 from 5.00 to 8.00 p.m.
Free entrance
The new event in Zagreb’s Mochvara Gallery, dedicated to sound art, presents the artistic group City-Guerilla from Belgrade, Serbia and their interactive installation called “Synapsis” in large hall of Pogon Jedinstvo from 22nd to 24th September 2016. The installation uses an audio-visual interface to question the perception of pain as a reaction of our body to threatening and dangerous stimuli. The intensity of pain is different with each individual, and the brain that expects pain can sometimes overemphasize its real intensity. This installation brings to awareness our control over the body perceiving pain, and thus symbolically guides the visitor through three stages ranging from painless to painful. The installation though never brings back the visitor to its primary stage, as the pain is not overpowered – it is just not interpreted as the state of threat anymore.
Within the programme on friday and saturday (23rd - 24th September) in small hall of Pogon Jedinstvo artists Stanislav Drča (member of City-Guerilla) and Rodrigo Guzmán Cásares will hold a two day workshop on the topic of VVVV, the multimedia platform which was used to produce the Synapsis installation. The workshop is opened for all interested participants: dancers wanting to work with Kinect sensors, visual artists, designers, architecture students, video, cameramen interested in live video editing, VJs wanting to learn new effects. Participants will learn how to use the programme for producing audio-visual content, live video editing, creative coding, audio-reactive visualisations, 3D modelling and animation, mapping and integration with different sensors (Microsoft Kinect, Leap Motion, Oculus Rift Headset, Arduino). The goal is to enable the participants for further research, experimentation and independent work with this tool. Participants should bring their laptops with Windows OS. Previous knowledge regarding the programme in not mandatory. Due to a limited number of participants, it is necessary to apply for the workshop via e-mail until Wednesday, September 21, 2016.
organizers: Culture Development Association “URK” + Mochvara Club & KONTEJNER | bureau of contemporary art praxis
media partners: H-alter, Kulturpunkt, Radio Student
supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, City of Zagreb, Kultura Nova Foundation, Goethe-Institut Belgrade
Sound Art Inkubator
Opening and performance: June 15 2016. at 8:00 p.m.
The exhibition is open June 16 - 18, 2016 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
@ large and small hall of Pogon Jedinstvo, Trnjanski nasip bb, Zagreb
Free entrance
In 2016, Sound Art Incubator counts its fourth edition dedicated to the production and presentation of artworks by young and emerging artists and students from Croatia, and recently also from the region. The project was initiated as part of the sound art programme of Zagreb’s Mochvara Gallery. It motivates authors to experiment and do research in sound, and it gives the audience an insight into their fresh ideas and projects. Each year it starts with an open call and ends with a group exhibition and performances presented at Pogon Jedinstvo.
This year the artists tell stories from their personal lives and lives of certain cities: Jasmina Jakopanec uses sound to bring the audiences on a journey to Rijeka, and sound compositions by Barbara Miše illustrate processes of memory and remembrance. Adam Semijalac and Jasna Jasna Žmak made research into the phenomena of tinnitus - the buzzing sound we hear in our heads, while Dominik Grdić and Michel Mesarić experiment with the documentary aspect of sound and vibrations. Stanislav Drča deals with perception and the physics of waves, Mladen Tomić with our urge to play and Petar Jerčić with the influence of repetitiveness and learned patterns on our experience of sound.
Seven artworks and nine authors from Zagreb, Rijeka, Split and Belgrade; two interactive installations, four sound installations and one sound performance - from June 15 to 18, 2016 Mochvara Gallery will again demonstrate the huge potential of young artists in their engagement with sound as an artistic media.
organizers: Culture Development Association “URK” + Mochvara Club & KONTEJNER | bureau of contemporary art praxis
media partners: H-alter, Kulturpunkt, Radio Student
supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, City of Zagreb, Kultura Nova Foundation