About work

Author's name
Semiconductor (UK)
Work's name
Parting the Waves
Year of work
Type of work
single channel HD moving image
Work description

Parting the Waves takes the visual language and method of quantum simulations as a framework for exploring how science describes and attempts to harness the quantum realm.

A pair of square screens installed at 90 degrees expands upon two moving image projections representing mathematical computations of particle interactions in a quantum system. Plots appear as varying degrees of undulating waveforms, created by the intensity of particle interactions being affected by distance...read more

About author

Author's CV

Semiconductor comprises UK artist duo Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt. Through moving image works they explore the material nature of our world and how we experience it through the lens of science and technology, questioning how they mediate our experiences. Their unique approach has won them many awards and prestigious fellowships including: Samsung Art + Prize 2012 for new media, Smithsonian Artists Research Fellowship, Collide@CERN Artists Residency Award and...read more

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